The default FlowTraq user interface is browser based and can be accessed by any Internet enabled device with a web browser. By default FlowTraq can be accessed through the /flowtraq subdirectory on the server. For details on FlowTraq server installation, refer to the Installation Manual.

In FlowTraq the Workspace is your interactive analysis window into the traffic on your network. The Workspace features a powerful filtering interface that enables the analyst to select precisely the traffic of interest. Combined with hundreds of possible viewing combinations, the analyst can observe events on the network from any viewing angle, identifying patterns that remain hidden in traditional network analysis tools. By selecting objects the analyst can quickly pivot, zoom, and focus on suspicous activity, data breaches, and performance issues.

FlowTraq redefines traffic reporting by featuring a full-fidelity database that retains all flow records indefinately. This means you can generate any view of your network, using any arbitrary filter, for any desired timeframe, whenever you need. With FlowTraq it is not necessary to define today what you want to analyze tomorrow, as all reports can be generated on the fly, post-hoc. Since all workspaces are defined in the URL, you can save interesting views of your traffic by bookmarking the URL. Additionally, since each view is generated dynamically, FlowTraq offers arbitrary zoom-in capability with full precision at any timescale.

FlowTraq traffic navigation is defined by 3 key elements:

  1. A filter selecting what traffic is to be ranked. The filter may define exporters, address ranges, protocols, etc.

  2. A ranking view selecting how traffic is to be ranked. Examples of rankings include top addresses by packet count, top exporters by update count, application by total connections, etc.

  3. A timeframe selecting from when to when traffic is to be ranked. Timeframes can be specified in the absolute (date and time), or relative to now (last 3 hours).

Thanks to the full fidelity nature of the FlowTraq database every field of the session record can be filtered on. This includes derived fields such as country and autonomous system number, which are not found in the flow export records, and added by FlowTraq. Since FlowTraq re-assembles uni-directional flows back into bi-directional sessions, many filter options have both a client and a server side, such as ports, traffic groups, and byte/packet counts.

A filter selects which session records will be used to perform the ranking. This means that the filter is applied to each session record in the selected timeframe to decide if the record should be returned and included.


Complex filters can be constructed by entering multiple values in a filter line, or by combining multiple filter lines:

When entering multiple values in a single filter line they are combined through a logical 'OR' operation, meaning they will use a match any approach.

Multiple filter lines can be combined through a match all (logical 'AND') or match any (logical 'OR') approach.

FlowTraq supports matching specifically the 'client' or the 'server' side of a session for entities such as IP addresses, ports, autonomous systems, or interface index numbers. For example, this means the analyst can specifically choose to only select sessions where a particular address acts as a server (receiving the connection). When chosing 'either address', all sessions where either the server or the client address match the selected block will be included.


When filtering on 'either' only matching entities are ranked.

Example: either ASN==32934 will only show FaceBook in the ASN-view, and FaceBook peers in the ASNPAIR-view.

When filtering on 'client' or 'server' side entities, all entities in the record are ranked.

Example: SRVIP== will only any IP that communicated with (including the server itself) in an IP-view

FlowTraq supports a system where the analyst can create arbitrary top-N rankings for any entity found in the session record. A view is created by selecting which entity (such as IP address, netblock, ASN, ...) should be ranked based on what quantity (packets, bytes, connections, ...). Some selections allow the analyst to specify whether only sent, or only received quantities should be included. This example shows a workspace with IP addresses ranked by bits sent. The graph displays the progression of bits sent over time by each of the top IP addresses by color code:

The first column of the table shows the top IP addresses with their reverse-resolved name (if available), and the autonomous system in which the IP address resides. The ranking was performed on bits sent by each IP address. The percentage column displays the contribution of each entity for the total selected traffic based on the filter and current timeframe. The additional columns are auxilary information and cannot be used for sorting.

Ranking of entities can be further controlled to only include bits/bytes/packets/sessions sent, or received. By default both sent and received counts are added into the ranking. By selecting 'sent' or 'received' the analyst is able to control the behavior of the ranking to include include the selected count to or from each entity.


Sent/Received differentiation is only available for entities that CAN be viewed in a pairwise fashion, although a pairwise view does not need to be selected. In other words, only entities that are present at each side of a communication (such as IP addresses, autonomous systems, traffic groups, ...) have a meaningful differentiation between bytes/bits/packets sent or received. When viewing accumulated TCP flags, for example, the directionality is meaninless as TCP flags are a property of the communication, and are not tied to either side of the communication.

FlowTraq offers arbitrary time navigation beacuse data is never aggregated. A history of the most recently received records is kept in RAM for quick query processing. Historical queries are serviced from the disk database, and may take longer to complete.

The table in the workspace view will display the first 10 top items. Additional pages with further ranking are available by simply navigating to the next page with the buttons at the bottom right of each table. As the analyst moves through the various pages the graph will change to indicate which data the table is displaying. The workspace displays a top-N style ranking, so each additional data page will have a subsequently smaller contribution to the overall total.

The workspace offers a number of different interactive operations to the analyst, including tagging ranked items with userfriendly names, adding ranked items to the filter to quickly pivot the view, and a drag-to-zoom capability to further drill down on a timeframe.