Plugins are external scripts or computer programs that FlowTraq can trigger in response to an alert on Linux-based installations. Plugins are used for a variety of actions, from generating email or syslog notifications, to signaling DDoS mitigation actions, to invoking in-house software. During the course of an alert, the same plugin may be triggered many times with updated information about the state of an alert condition or the progression of the behavior being monitored. Configuration and alert details are passed to your plugin through environment variables.

To invoke a plugin in response to an alert, a plugin configuration must be associated with the policy rule that triggered the alert. By design, plugins are bound to their partitions, and only partition managers may interact with them or assign them to policy rules. This process is described in the Administration portion of this manual.


As external scripts triggered by the FlowTraq server process, plugins from untrusted sources can have serious security implications, and so should be reviewed carefully. If in any doubt, FlowTraq Support is available to answer any questions on the subject.

In addition to the plugin script itself, each FlowTraq plugin must have specific files that describe how FlowTraq should communicate with your plugin, including how to describe it, how to configure it, and how to interpret its annotations. Also, FlowTraq has made available a template plugin to use as the basis of either a Python or shell script

In the sections below, the FlowTraq plugin invocation process process is described in greater detail, including command line arguments and specific environment variables.

Alerts trigger their associated plugins according the following rules:

The plugin writer may simply ignore any or all of the calls to the plugin, depending on the desired functionality. For example, a reporting plugin might only need to handle CREATE events, while a true mitigation plugin most likely will need all events, making use of the UPDATE event to poll the mitigation device for additional information. Alerts in the FlowTraq system will time out after twelve hours, even if the alert condition still persists, in which case a new alert ID will be assigned, and a subsequent "DELETE" and "CREATE" event will be issued.

Every alert has a set of environment variables passed to it. Some of these are sent to every alert of every type. The rest are dependent on the type of alert (as described in ALERT_TYPE. The variables sent to every alert are:

The remaining environment variables are determined by alert type, and are described in the following subsections.

Threshold alerts are those where ALERT_TYPE is threshold_exceeded, and encompass a variety of alert types which may focus on specific traffic groups, interfaces, or individual ports or IP addresses; all of which are called "objects" for the purpose of alerting. Plugins responding to threshold alerts require careful attention to the fact that plugins may be called for a number of different objects, and the OBJECT_TYPE variable specifies which fields will be valid and specify the object which triggered the plugin. The list below shows the different potential values for OBJECT_TYPE and the fields to expect for each.

In addition to the object itself, each threshold has a unit associated with it. The units of the threshold that was crossed is encoded in the "THRESHOLD_TYPE" environment variable. The actual value of the threshold (in those units) is given in "THRESHOLD_VALUE", which is a floating point number. So, if THRESHOLD_TYPE is bytes_in and THRESHOLD_VALUE is 100000.0, then the alert was generated because the incoming traffic to the affected object exceeded 100KB/s. Because flow records are reported in bytes, that is the unit used; when bps thresholds are specified in the FlowTraq user interface, they are converted to an approximate Bps threshold for the alerting engine.

Although the alert triggered based on the value of the "THRESHOLD_TYPE" quantity, values for each of the counters are provided in each call the plugin. Current values, average values (for the duration of the alert), and peak values are given in per-second rates. Use the "THRESHOLD_TYPE" to determine the peak, average, and current values of the counter that crossed the threshold value specified in "THRESHOLD_VALUE". The following numeric floating point counters are provided for each call:

If the "THRESHOLD_TYPE" was specified as 'uniq_local_endpoint' or 'uniq_remote_cidr' (only available for the "OBJECT_TYPE=TGRP+IP", two additional quantities (helpful in identifying SCAN and WORM behaviors) are given:

Denial of service attacks fall into three broad categories in the FLowTraq system: reflection/amplification attacks (such as SMURF, CARGEN, DNS ampflications), flood attacks (such as SYNFLOOD, RSTFLOOD), and low and slow attacks (such as SlowLoris, and RUDY). Trigger points can be configured for each of the major categories, or specifically for port/protocol combinations inside each of the categories. It is also possible to set generic trigger points (not bound to a specific port/protocol) for some of the sub-categories like DDOS_XMAS, DDOS_IPNULL, etc).

When the broad category of "ddos_flood" is configured, the alert may get characterized as any of the following:

Alerts in the "ddos_amp", and "ddos_slow" categories are always indicated as follows, which the port/protocol specifier differentiating the further attack type:

Each DDOS attack specifies at least the following environment variables:

Note that although a subnet mask is provided, each IP address in the traffic group that is under attack will be tracked by a separate alert. This means your plugin may be called with multiple CREATE events, once for each of the addresses under attack in the traffic group. Furthermore:

If additional source information is available this is specified as well. The "SOURCES" environment variable may specify zero or more remote CIDR blocks that have sent the largest number of packets during this attack. Note that many DDoS attacks spoof their sources addresses, so these fields may be unreliable. The "TOTAL_SOURCES" counter shows the number of remote CIDR blocks that were identified, which may be in the millions or more:

Alerts are generated when an address in the traffic group communicates with an IP address that is on a blacklist. Note that it is possible for both sides of the communications to be on a blacklist (indicated by a non-zero blacklist ID). Blacklist alerts may group multiple connections together if they are between the same two IP addresses. This means that an alert may have multiple server ports associated with it. ALERT_TYPE will always be blacklisted_ip.

Fields for the client side and server side of the communication:

If more than one server port was seen between the two addresses, a list of additional ports may be present:

Data exfiltration alerts are generated when a trigger policy is defined for a traffic group. Specifically, an alert is raised if an address in the traffic group sends more than the specified number of octets in a single session to an address that is not in the same traffic group, and not part of the INT blocks of the partition. This means data exfiltrations focus only on the single sessions, irrespective of which system is acting as the server and which system is acting as the client. Also, the receiving address must be in a different traffic group, or no traffic group at all. Additionally, if the receiving address is part of the list of internal blocks for a given partition, then no alert will be raised. ALERT_TYPE is exfil for all data exfiltration alerts.

The following environment variables are available. Note that the number of bytes exfiltrated may be an accumulation of multiple sessions that all crossed the trigger point:

If more than one server port was seen between the two addresses, a list of additional ports may be present:

Each plugin can annotate the alert that called it with a set of key/value pairs, for later retrieval or graphing. The value in each case must be a positive integer. Alert annotation is performed by invoking ftnbi with the following environment variables, which are in turn provided directly by FlowTraq when it calls the plugin script:

Error messages you might encounter when using 'ftnbi -val' to update an alert action with auxiliary data:

There are only two required files for a FlowTraq Plugin, an executable script file and a JSON-formatted plugin definition named gui.json. The executable may be any kind of Linux executable that is able to accept environment variables and command line arguments; typically either shell scripts of Python files are used, but Perl, PHP, compiled C, or a variety of other executables may used. The executable is run with the same permissions as the FlowTraq se

Each FlowTraq plugin requires a file named gui.json that describes how FlowTraq should communicate with your plugin, including how to describe it, how to configure it, and how to interpret its annotations. This file is first used to describe the plugin to users on the Plugins page.

The gui.json file has multiple parts. Here is an example file, adapted from the email plugin, which produces the above panel in the FlowTraq UI.

        	"label": "Send Email",
            "buildDate": 1466615162000,
            "version": 11,
            "description": ["Send an email to a selected recipient.", "Sends an email on alert CREATE and DESTROY."],
            "url": "",
            "author": "FlowTraq, Inc",
            "mailto": "",
            "executable": "",	
            "supportedAlertTypes": ["*"],
            "configurationFields": [
                    "label": "Username",
                    "key": "EMAIL_USERNAME",
                    "allowOverride": false,
                    "fieldspec": {
                        "type": "text",
                        "minlength": 2,
                        "maxlength": 64,
                        "required": false
                    "label": "Password",
                    "key": "EMAIL_PASSWORD",
                    "allowOverride": false,
                    "fieldspec": {
                        "type": "password",
                        "minlength": 2,
                        "maxlength": 64,
                        "required": false
                    "label": "Mailport",
                    "key" : "EMAIL_MAILPORT",
                    "allowOverride": false,
                    "fieldspec" : {
                          "type": "int",
                          "value": "587",
                          "min": 0,
                          "max": 65000
                    "label": "Message Body",
                    "key" : "EMAIL_BODY",
                    "helptext": "Text to include at the top this email",
                    "allowOverride": true,
                    "fieldspec" : {
                        "type": "text",
                        "minlength" : 0,
                        "maxlength" : 1024,
                        "required": false
                    "label": "Message Footer",
                    "key" : "EMAIL_FOOTER",
                    "helptext": "Text to include at the bottom of this email (cannot be overridden)",
                    "allowOverride": false,
                    "fieldspec" : {
                        "type": "text",
                        "minlength" : 0,
                        "maxlength" : 1024,
                        "required": false

This file has a number of entries:

The configuration field array contains a set of definitions. Each definition describes the individual configuration items to be requested of the user when creating an instance of your plugin. In the above example, the configuration page generated looks like this:

That page contains an entry for each field, and the For example, the configuration field:

                    "label": "Username",
                    "key": "EMAIL_USERNAME",
                    "allowOverride": false,
                    "fieldspec": {
                        "type": "text",
                        "minlength": 2,
                        "maxlength": 64,
                        "required": false

This field describes a variable named "Username", which is not required in order to configure the plugin, expects a text value between 2 and 26 characters, but cannot be overridden when creating an individual policy. If it is filled in, then whenever the plugin is invoked there will be an additional environment variable EMAIL_USERNAME containing the defined string value. FlowTraq enforces the rules described in fieldspec when users create instances of a plugin for later attachment to policies. For example, if a username of only one character is entered for the above entry, the following error is raised and the user cannot proceed:

There are four basic fields needed for each entry:

The fieldspec structure has several values:

If your plugin retrieves and stores integer values to annotate the alert, and you wish FlowTraq to graph those values in its UI, there is a separate section of the gui.json file that must be added. An example is shown below:

            "containers": ["Volume (Bytes)", "Volume (Packets)", "Volume (Sessions)", "Anomalies"],
            "update_fields": [
                    "label": "UDP Egress Packets",
                    "key": "udp_egress_packets",
                    "container": "Volume (Packets)",
                    "label": "TCP Total Dropped",
                    "key": "tcp_total_drop",
                    "container": "Volume (Packets)",
                    "label": "IPv4 Bytes Received",
                    "key": "ip_rcv",
                    "container": "Volume (Bytes)"

There are two fields, each of which contains an array. containers describes the organization of the variables listed in update_fields, and will produce in the alert panel a display like so:

The fields in the update_fields array tell FlowTraq which key/value pairs to look for, how to label them, and what container to put them in. the three required fields for each variable are:

Other fields can be included, however, for use in the plugin script itself. In the example above, one of the fields contains a "record" value that is not used by FlowTraq, but is used by the FlowTraq Python library. When "record" is "always", the script always includes the value for that key even when it is 0.