The FlowTraq Web API provides a RESTful interface for retrieving flow data, aggregations, and alerts; and for configuring FlowTraq. All responses are provided in JSON format.

A successful response (which may include a response with an empty value) will return an HTTP code of 200 or 204. If the response is 200, the service will respond with a JSON object with the first key mirroring the last section of the requested path. For example, a successful call to api/v3/info will be a JSON object {'info': {...}} while a call to api/v3/info/licensekeyinfo will be a JSON object {'licensekeyinfo': {...}}. If the response is 204, there will be no payload.

An unsuccessful response will return an HTTP error code (typically 404 Not Found, 403 Forbidden, or 500 Server Error) and a JSON object containing a 'message' key. For example,

{'message': 'Provided credentials were rejected or session key has expired'}

In general, a valid, well-formatted request that cannot be found (e.g. retrieving a valid key that happens to not be set) will return a 404 error. Errors in authentication (including attempting actions not permitted to this user), request format, etc. will return a 403 error. Server errors such as FlowTraq not responding will return 500 errors.

Every API call must contain authentication information. There are two options for authenticating. First, basic HTTP authentication can be used with a FlowTraq username and password. For example, using cURL:


The second method is to generate a FlowTraq session key and provide that as part of the HTTP header:

curl -k -H "ftsessionkey: aeb70b050dd8d4230e6debaa4bc11d36"

A session key can be generated by a POST call to the endpoint sessionkey or login



Parameter NameValueDefault ValueNotes
relative_timetime descriptor none A relative time in the form of number and unit; e.g. "15m" for "15 minutes" or "2h" for "2 hours". Accepts "m" for "minute", "h" for "hour", "d" for "day", "w" for "week" and "y" for "year"
start_timetimestamp none A timestamp in the format "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec" or an integer in seconds since the UNIX epoch
end_timetimestamp none A timestamp in the format "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec" or an integer in seconds since the UNIX epoch
filterstring none A filter string as described in Filter String Syntax.
sample_countnumber0Return only the first N session records (typically, but not always the first sessions); set to 0 to retrieve all sessions, or omit entirely.

A successful response will contain the resulting data table:

Parameter NameValueNotes
data[{FlowObject}]An array of flow records.

The response will contain either the resulting data table or an error message:

Parameter NameValueNotes
CLIENT ADDRESSStringIP address of the endpoint identified as the client (initiator of session)
CLIENT MASKStringThe netblock the client address belongs to, as identified by router or ASN lookup
CLIENT COUNTRYStringCountry code associated with the client address according to reverse lookup
CLIENT ASStringAutonomous system to which the client address belongs, according to router or reverse lookup
CLIENT TGStringTraffic group to which the client address belongs
SPORTStringSource port, associated with client side of communication
SERVER ADDRESSStringIP address of the endpoint identified as the server (receiver of session)
SERVER MASKStringThe netblock the server address belongs to, as identified by router or ASN lookup
SERVER COUNTRYStringCountry code associated with the server address according to reverse lookup
SERVER ASStringAutonomous system to which the server address belongs according to router or reverse lookup
SERVER TGStringTraffic group to which the server address belongs
DPORTStringDestination port, associated with server side of communication
PROTOStringProtocol as identified in packet headers; string from IANA protocol list, or number if not found/known
CLN PKTSStringNumber of packets sent from client to server over session history. Not statistically reconstructed when sampling is used, this is the raw total reported by the router
CLN BYTESStringNumber of octets sent from client to server over session history. Not statistically reconstructed when sampling is used, this is the raw total reported by the router
SRV PKTSStringNumber of packets sent from server to client over session history; may be 0. Not statistically reconstructed when sampling is used, this is the raw total reported by the router
SRV BYTESStringNumber of octets sent from server to client over session history; may be 0. Not statistically reconstructed when sampling is used, this is the raw total reported by the router
START TIMEStringTime of first-observed packet in this session
LAST UPDATEStringTime of most recent packet in this session
TTIMEStringTotal time elapsed in session
FLAGSStringCompiled list of all TCP flags seen in session
TOSStringRaw TOS/QOS/DiffServ number (interpreted differently depending on how number is used)
EXPORTER ADDRESSStringObserved IP address of the device reporting this session (affected by NATting)
EXPVStringFlow version in which exporter encoded this session data
CIDStringPartition ID number
SAMPLStringReported sampling rate
UPDTSStringNumber of flow updates comprising this session
IFINStringIngress interface number, with ring number denoted by @ (e.g. 1 @0 is interface 1 in ring 0)
IFOUTStringEgress interface number
VLANINStringIngress VLAN
CLNMACStringMAC address associated with client side of communication
SRVMACStringMAC address associated with server side of communication
APPLICATIONStringApplication as (sometimes) reported by exporter, such as using NBAR or AppID

Because the full structure of the ordinary JSON output adds considerably to the file size, large retrievals may benefit from using compact mode, which sends the result in two arrays: a 'header' array containing the names of the variables, and a 'data' array, containing arrays of strings in the same order as the header array. (e.g. the first entry in the 'header' array is CLIENT IP, and the first element in each data array is the client IP)


Parameter NameValueDefault ValueNotes
relative_timetime descriptor none A relative time in the form of number and unit; e.g. "15m" for "15 minutes" or "2h" for "2 hours". Accepts "m" for "minute", "h" for "hour", "d" for "day", "w" for "week" and "y" for "year"
start_timetimestamp none A timestamp in the format "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec" or an integer in seconds since the UNIX epoch
end_timetimestamp none A timestamp in the format "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec" or an integer in seconds since the UNIX epoch
filterstring none A filter string as described in Filter String Syntax.
sample_countnumber0Return only the first N session records (typically, but not always the first sessions); set to 0 to retrieve all sessions, or omit entirely.

A successful response will contain the resulting data table:

Parameter NameValueNotes
headersArray of Strings containing the 34 header names
data[[array]]An array of flow records, each of which contains 34 Strings corresponding to the header names

The 'count' endpoint performs a query using the provided parameters, but returns only the number of sessions that match the time frame and filter provided. This does perform a full query and so may take some time, but it can greatly reduce bandwidth and client memory use in cases where a simple answer is needed, or can help determine whether it is feasible to download the entire list of sessions.


Parameter NameValueDefault ValueNotes
relative_timetime descriptor none A relative time in the form of number and unit; e.g. "15m" for "15 minutes" or "2h" for "2 hours". Accepts "m" for "minute", "h" for "hour", "d" for "day", "w" for "week" and "y" for "year"
start_timetimestamp none A timestamp in the format "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec" or an integer in seconds since the UNIX epoch
end_timetimestamp none A timestamp in the format "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec" or an integer in seconds since the UNIX epoch
filterstring none A filter string as described in Filter String Syntax.

A successful response will contain the resulting data table:

Parameter NameValueNotes
countStringThe number of entries that match this query (note: queries on recent data may change as new session records are received by FlowTraq)

The table endpoint provides the ability to retrieve the results of an ftstat command, equivalent to a FlowTraq workspace. The returned results include a time series of the "count by" value suitable for graphing.


Parameter NameValueDefault ValueNotes
relative_timetime descriptor 15m (if not superceded by start_time and end_time) A relative time in the form of number and unit; e.g. "15m" for "15 minutes" or "2h" for "2 hours". Accepts "m" for "minute", "h" for "hour", "d" for "day", "w" for "week" and "y" for "year"
start_timetimestamp none A timestamp in the format "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec" or an integer in seconds since the UNIX epoch; must also include end_time, or relative_time will be used
end_timetimestamp none A timestamp in the format "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec" or an integer in seconds since the UNIX epoch; must also include end_time
filterstring none A filter string as described in Filter String Syntax.
count_byOne of: BYTES, BITS, SESSIONS, PACKETS, NEWCONN, UNIQUE, or UPDATES "UNIQUE" requires the unique field, below
directionOne of snd or rcv (if omitted, will use both)  
rows 10May include an extra row for "OTHER"
time_series 175 

A successful response will contain the resulting data table. The exact parameters of this table will vary according to the request made, but will always contain the following:

Parameter NameValueNotes
tableArray (see following table)An array of table entries in order of rank.

Parameter NameValueNotes
(Group Entry)(Varies)Matches the selected group_by from the request (Default: ADDRESS)
(Rank Entry)(Varies)Matches the selected count_by from the request (Default: BYTES TOTAL)
TOT. BYTESIntegerTotal bytes sent or received
TOT. PACKETSIntegerTotal packets sent or received
CIDIntegerPartition ID
CID NAMEStringPartition name
COLORSStringUnique encoded color value based on user preference
TIME SERIESSpace-separated list of integersRank entry broken up evently across the time frame

Traffic groups and blacklists are organized in a short hierarchy. First, the base URL value (either "trafficgroups" or "blacklists") selects the type of IP list being addressed. The next level of organization is the Partition (called "cid"), which is nearly always "cid0" for blacklists. Finally each traffic group or blacklist is addressed by number; e.g. "tg5" or "bl3". There is no overlap in numbering between the two; the prefix is used to make sure that the type is preserved.

The overall structure, therefore, is:

                  "trafficgroups": {
                                    "cid0": {
                                              "tg1": {TG ENTRY},
                                              "tg2": {TG ENTRY}
                                    "cid1": {
                                              "tg3": {TG ENTRY}

The "TG ENTRY" (also used for blacklists) has three elements:

Element NameNotes
nameName of the traffic group or blacklist; required; need not be unique
filterOptional filter restricting application of TG/BL designation, in the form of an ordinary ftstat filter
blocksArray containing a list of at least one IP address or CIDR block; required

Individual portions of a traffic group can be addressed, e.g.: refers directly to the name of Traffic Group 5 in Partition 0. A GET request to that endpoint will return {"name": "Traffic Group 5's Name"} if that traffic group exists. Similarly, a POST or PUT request to that endpoint with the JSON-formatted payload {"name": "Traffic Group 5's New Name"} will rename Traffic Group 5.

Entire traffic groups can be updated with POST or PUT, by uploading the new JSON-formatted traffic group. If it's performed as a PUT, then the traffic group definition will match exactly what's uploaded -- if no filter is included, then any existing filter will be removed. Any block not in the new definition will be removed. If the definition is uploaded as a POST, then omitted items (name, filter, individual blocks) will not be affected; the resulting definition will include any new blocks, but none will be deleted. To create a new traffic group, the special endpoints api/v3/trafficgroups/cidX/tg or api/v3/blacklists/cidX/bg (in both cases replacing "X" with a number such as 0) can be used with a PUT or POST, and the new assigned number will be included in the output (in the following example, the resulting assignment was to blacklist 11).

                # curl -k -H "ftsessionkey: f5a31950af869e1761bafed1cd6823a9" \
                    -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" \
                    -X POST -d '{"bl": {"name": "My New TG", "blocks": [""]}}'
                {"bl11":{"name":"My New TG","blocks":["\/32"]}}

A DELETE call can be used to remove whole traffic groups, or filters. It cannot be used to delete multiple traffic groups (e.g. via a call to an endpoint /api/v3/cid#) nor to delete required items like "name".

Administrative users can retrieve a list of users through the users endpoint. Output is in the form of an array indexed by username.


Each user block contains four elements:

Element NameNotes
roleOne of: USER or ADMIN
last_loginThe date and time, in server time, at which this user last authenticated.
userfilterOptional filter restricting user access to data, in addition to partition; null for ADMIN users
cidPartition (also called customer ID) to which this user is bound, or 0 if global
                    "users": {
                        "@abarsam": {
                            "role": "USER",
                            "last_login": "10/31/2016 19:46:01",
                            "userfilter": "None",
                            "cid": "1"
                        "@admin": {
                            "role": "ADMIN",
                            "last_login": "08/1/2017 03:54:41",
                            "userfilter": null,
                            "cid": "0"

In order to avoid potential namespace collision issues, usernames must be prepended with an '@' sign. That sign is included in the output for consistency. If a username begins with an '@' sign, the output will include two, and addressing attempts must include two.

Individual users may be addressed, as well as the four available keys (role, last_login, userfilter, cid).


These endpoints do not currently support POST, PUT, or DELETE.


The @USERNAME endpoint does not retrieve the preferences list, as this is an expensive operation.

The FlowTraq API can be used to get and set user preferences, individually and in batches. An administrative user can make changes to other users' preferences (in order to, for example, copy dashboards from one user to another). The basic endpoint, retrieving all of a user's keys (which may take some time) is:

Listing of individual preferences is beyond the scope of this document, but there are several useful structures that are commonly copies between users, such as individual dashboards (listed hierarchically under prefs/USERNAME/dashboard, with individual dashboards listed as d0, d1, etc.) To copy one user's dashboards over another users, save the results (in JSON format) of a GET request to api/v3/prefs/DONORUSER/dashboard, and PUT the same structure to api/v3/prefs/RECIPIENTUSER/dashboard. For example:

                        "prefs": {
                            "userfilter": "(TGRP==1||TGRP==27))",
                            "dashboard": {
                                "d0": {
                                    "w0": "{\"widgetVersion\":1,\"widgetType\":6,\"widgetTitle\":\"Welcome Widget\"}",
                                    "w1": "{\"widgetVersion\":1,\"widgetType\":5,\"widgetTitle\":\"\",\"viewSpec\":
                                    "arrangement": "[[\"0\"],[\"1\"]]"
                            "colorscheme": "1b9e77d95f027570b3e7298a66a61ee6ab02a6761d666666"

Individual nested values may be addressed directly, and will take less time to retrieve. For example, to retrieve a specific dashboard:


This returns the d0 stanza:

                        "d0": {
                            "w0": "{\"widgetVersion\":1,\"widgetType\":6,\"widgetTitle\":\"Welcome Widget\"}",
                            "w1": "{\"widgetVersion\":1,\"widgetType\":5,\"widgetTitle\":\"\",\"viewSpec\":
                            "arrangement": "[[\"0\"],[\"1\"]]"

PUT, POST, and DELETE also work with user preferences, both individual preferences addressed directly, and preference trees. When addressing individual preferences, PUT and POST work identically. E.g. POST sets the widget 0 on dashboard 0 (with a JSON-formatted payload, not shown), as does PUT. However, whole stanzas operate differently; a PUT of a stanza will delete entries not listed in the stanza, while a POST ignores those entries. If the user's dashboard d0 is as set above, then,

POST with the payload,

                        "d0": {
                            "w0": "{\"widgetVersion\":1,\"widgetType\":5,\"widgetTitle\":\"\",\"viewSpec\":
                            "arrangement": "[[\"0\"],[\"1\"]]"

Results in,

                        "d0": {
                            "w0": "{\"widgetVersion\":1,\"widgetType\":5,\"widgetTitle\":\"\",\"viewSpec\":
                            "w1": "{\"widgetVersion\":1,\"widgetType\":5,\"widgetTitle\":\"\",\"viewSpec\":
                            "arrangement": "[[\"0\"],[\"1\"]]"

While PUTting the same payload deletes the unspecified w1key, so that the PUT payload is the entirety of the key structure:

                        "d0": {
                            "w0": "{\"widgetVersion\":1,\"widgetType\":5,\"widgetTitle\":\"\",\"viewSpec\":
                            "arrangement": "[[\"0\"],[\"1\"]]"

A DELETE request will, similarly, remove the entire block. (Note: DELETE will not work on the base @USERNAME/prefs endpoint)

FlowTraq configuration parameters, as set in the flowtraq.conf file can be set through the API, for one or more FlowTraq nodes. The basic endpoint for configuration is:


Output varies according to settings, but will resemble the following:

                    "config": {
                        "userdata": {
                            "userdatapath": "USERDATA",
                            "maxsessionkeyage": "3600"
                        "querythreads": "3",
                        "listenport": "9640",
                        "sflow": {
                            "bufsize": "8388608",
                            "sflowport": "6343"
                        "recursion": {
                            "forwardmode": "balance",
                            "localmode": "keep"
                        "storage": {
                            "storageinterval": "7.5",
                            "autoconfigure": "64GB",
                            "databasepath": "/opt/flowtraq/SESSIONDB"
                        "totalram": "85 %",
                        "quickview": {
                            "1hr": {
                                "autoconfigure": "8GB",
                                "databasepath": "NBI2/QVIEW1HR"
                            "1min": {
                                "autoconfigure": "8GB",
                                "databasepath": "NBI2/QVIEW1MIN"
                            "5min": {
                                "autoconfigure": "8GB",
                                "databasepath": "NBI2/QVIEW5MIN"
                        "detection": {
                            "dt": "65",
                            "pctl": "1/1"
                        "syslog": {
                            "facility": "LOCAL0"
                        "user": "USERNAME",
                        "debuglevel": "MEDIUM",
                        "netflow": {
                            "ipfixtcpport": "4739",
                            "netflowport": "2055 9666 9996",
                            "ignoreoldnetflows": "no",
                            "bufsize": "16777216"
                        "maxclientlatency": "30",
                        "archive": {
                            "databasepath": "/opt/flowtraq/ARCHIVE",
                            "autoconfigure": "128G"
                        "sessiontables": {
                            "toolong": "7200",
                            "timeout": "1800"

As with the user preferences, individual values or stanzas can be addressed, e.g.:


                    "netflow": {
                        "ipfixtcpport": "4739",
                        "netflowport": "2055 9666 9996",
                        "ignoreoldnetflows": "no",
                        "bufsize": "16777216"


                    "netflowport": "2055 9666 9996"

As with user preferences, individual keys and stanzas can be set using PUT and POST. If the value being set is stored as a single string (e.g. netflowport is set to "2055 9666 9996" in the above case) then a POST of a value will overwrite the whole string. POSTing,

                    "netflowport": "2056"

to the endpoint config/netflow/netflowport will result in the netflowport being set to "2056", not "2056 2055 9666 9996". The PUT/POST difference operates only at the stanza level -- e.g. omitting ipfixtcpport from a PUT to config/netflow is equivalent to DELETEing config/netflow/ipfixtcpport, but POSTing the same stanza omitting that key leaves it in place.


Some parameters which cannot be retrieved can still be set through this interface via a PUT or POST. Currently this includes license which, along with user can be used to apply a new license to your FlowTraq server. This interface does not currently verify correctness, however, and so it is still recommended to use the main user interface on the Cluster page, under Administration. Keys that are not retrieved via the default GET will not be overwritten if omitted from a PUT.

Without further arguments, this endpoint returns the configuration parameters for the FlowTraq portal (single-node installs will always use this and will not require other endpoints.) To address individual nodes, use the path GET parameter path. The path parameter accepts a dotted notation as follows:

PathAddressed NodesExample output with config/netflow/netflowport
(omitted)Portal only
    "netflowport": {
        "local": "2055 9666 9996"
1Worker #1, if there is a worker #1 belonging to the portal
    "netflowport":  "2055 9666 9996"
*All of the portal's workers, and the portal itself, labeled "local".

Note: If the portal has no workers, this (like any all-wildcard entry) will be treated as though the path were omitted.

    "netflowport": {
        "local": "2055 9666 9996",
        "0": "2055 9666 9996",
        "1": "2055 9666 9996"
0.1Worker #0's Worker #1
    "netflowport":  "2055"
*.1For each of the portal's workers, that worker's worker #1.
    "netflowport": {
        "1": "2055 9666 9996",
        "0.1": "2055",
        "1.1": "2055"

GET parameters need to be URL encoded, so the * would be encoded as %2A. So, to encode a GET query to the endpoint config/listenport for the path 1.* (all the workers belonging to the portal's worker #1), the URL would be:

Exporters and their interfaces are managed through the partitions endpoint. To get a full list of all (visible) partitions, including the list of exporters that have sent data to those partitions and the reporting interfaces on those exporters, use the basic endpoint:


                    "partitions": {
                        "cid0": {
                            "exporters": {
                                "exp10.100.2.1": {
                                    "iface1": {
                                        "clockSkewMs": "0",
                                        "bitRateOut": 8000,
                                        "bitRateInLearned": false,
                                        "flowVersion": "IPFIX",
                                        "bitRateIn": 4,
                                        "bitRateOutLearned": false,
                                        "clockSkewCorrection": false,
                                        "friendlyName": "onesixone one",
                                        "ring": 0,
                                        "sampleRateLearned": true,
                                        "sampleRate": 1
                        "cid10": {
                            "exporters": {
                                "exp127.0.0.1": {
                                    "iface63": {
                                        "clockSkewMs": "0",
                                        "bitRateOut": 19127,
                                        "bitRateInLearned": true,
                                        "flowVersion": "NFv1",
                                        "bitRateIn": 25253,
                                        "bitRateOutLearned": true,
                                        "clockSkewCorrection": false,
                                        "friendlyName": "",
                                        "ring": 0,
                                        "sampleRateLearned": true,
                                        "sampleRate": 0
                        "cid7": {
                            "exporters": {
                                "exp127.0.0.1": {
                                    "iface32": {
                                        "clockSkewMs": "0",
                                        "bitRateOut": 0,
                                        "bitRateInLearned": true,
                                        "flowVersion": "NFv9",
                                        "bitRateIn": 33586,
                                        "bitRateOutLearned": true,
                                        "clockSkewCorrection": false,
                                        "friendlyName": "",
                                        "ring": 0,
                                        "sampleRateLearned": true,
                                        "sampleRate": 1

Individual partitions are selected using the "cidnumber" notation:


                "cid7": {
                        "exporters": {
                            "exp192.168.18.21": {
                                "iface0": {
                                    "clockSkewMs": "261",
                                    "bitRateOut": 21830742,
                                    "bitRateInLearned": true,
                                    "flowVersion": "NFv1",
                                    "bitRateIn": 0,
                                    "bitRateOutLearned": true,
                                    "clockSkewCorrection": false,
                                    "friendlyName": "",
                                    "ring": 0,
                                    "sampleRateLearned": true,
                                    "sampleRate": 0
                                "iface1": {
                                    "clockSkewMs": "0",
                                    "bitRateOut": 25814004,
                                    "bitRateInLearned": true,
                                    "flowVersion": "NFv1",
                                    "bitRateIn": 26055518,
                                    "bitRateOutLearned": true,
                                    "clockSkewCorrection": false,
                                    "friendlyName": "WIFI 1",
                                    "ring": 0,
                                    "sampleRateLearned": true,
                                    "sampleRate": 0

Individual exporters are addressed with the "exp" prefix, by their IP address (in either IPv4 or IPv6 notation, using URL encoding as needed) and their interfaces by "ifacenumber" with the special interface "0" reserved to make certain exporter-wide changes (primarily, turning on clock skew correction). Any of the parameters can be retrieved with a GET request by direct addressing. Certain of them are also addressable to change by PUT or POST:

EndpointDescriptionsAllowed values
friendlyNameName applied to interface in the FlowTraq UIString 126 characters or less
bitRateOutWhen PUT/POST, override the estimated maximum bit rate out of this interfacenon-zero positive integer
bitRateInWhen PUT/POST, override the estimated maximum bit rate into this interfacenon-zero positive integer
clockSkewCorrection (iface0 only)Instruct FlowTraq to automatically adjust time stamps for all interfaces on this exportertrue, false
sampleRate (iface 0 only)Override the reported sampling rate reported by this exporterpositive integer
ringThe ring ID# to assign this interface (0 - no assignment (default), 1 - uplink/border, 2-3 - edge, 8-9 - core, 15 - ignore, )0-15

The FlowTraq Web API provides a RESTful interface for for retrieving NetFlow data from a FlowTraq Server in JSON format for use by third-party applications. This API defines two methods of retrieving data:

An API authentication token is required for all requests. Authentication tokens must be generated for each client through the FlowTraq command line tools. To request the token, send an HTTP request such as:


Parameter NameValueDefault ValueNotes
serverstring"localhost"The FlowTraq server address.
portnumber9640The FlowTraq server port.
usernamestring required Username of a user on the Flowtraq server.
passwordstring required Password of the Flowtraq server user.

The response will contain either the resulting auth token or an error message:

Parameter NameValueNotes
auth_tokenstringOnly returned if authentication successful.
errorstringOnly returned if authentication failed.

Various FlowTraq view combinations may be retrieved via the API by sending requests to:


Parameter NameValueDefault ValueNotes
serverstring"localhost"The FlowTraq server address.
portnumber9640The FlowTraq server port.
auth_tokenstring required A recently acquired authentication token from an authentication request.
group_bystring"IP"A rank entity as described in Retrieving Statistical Queries from the Command Line.
count_bystring"BYTES"A rank field as described in Retrieving Statistical Queries from the Command Line. Use a space to separate the token "unique".
directionstring none Possible values: "snd", "rcv".
before_timetimestamp none A timestamp in the format "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec".
after_timetimestamp none A timestamp in the format "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec".
time_rangestring-15mA time specifier as described in Time Navigation.
querystring none A filter string as described in Filter String Syntax.
rowsnumber10The maximum number or rows to return.

The response will contain either the resulting data table or an error message:

Parameter NameValueNotes
columns[string]An array of column names.
data[[string]]An array of rows, one rank entity per row. Values in each row correspond to the column names in the columns field.
errorstringOnly returned if the request failed.