Both ftstat and ftsq require a timeframe specification.

You can set an absolute timeframe by specifying start and end times with -te and -tl. Specify both a starting and ending time in the following format: "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss.microsec".

Alternatively, you can specify a timeframe relative to now by using the -tn option, For example, -tn -1h specifies the last hour, -tn -1d12h specifies the day and a half, and -tn -5m specifies the last five minutes.

Valid time specifiers for the -tn option are as follows:


Time specifiers must be given in order of magnitude. This means that -tn -2d1w is an invalid way to specify "the last 9 days". Instead, use -tn -1w2d , which is valid.